Jayesh Phadtare


Seminar talks:

Orographic Influence on Rainfall , Environmental Fluid Dynamics Seminars , University of Notre Dame, 02 November 2021.

Thunderstorm, Duststorms and Floods , Monsoon Cafe , Indian Institute of Science, 04 July 2018.

Historical Accounts of Indian Monsoon , Monsoon Cafe , Indian Institute of Science, 03 August 2016.


Aircraft Observations during the MISO-BOB Field Campaign, American Geophysical Union Meeting 2022, Virtual

Precipitation modes over the Western Ghats orography during the summer monsoon season. EGU General Assembly 2021, Virtual

Impact of model resolution and convective parameterization on the Western Ghats rainfall regimes. 11th Conference on Transition of Research to Operations. AMS meeting 2021, Virtual.

Propagation of Mesoscale Convective Systems during Indian summer monsoon, American Geophysical Union Meeting 2015, San Francisco.